Monday, April 2, 2007

The legendary loveliness of Irish people

I haven't got the laptop back yet, but then again I haven't been home since about 11 this morning, and forgot my mobile phone at home, so if the transporter tried to call me, well,...
I am using the time when I am in town and close to internet cafes to drop into one, check my email and post a little something here.
I have been amazed yet again at how nice Irish people can be. I had just brought my bin outside, and was playing with my landlord's young female boxer, when he came out with a load of washing to hang, and started to talk with me. Within two minutes I was invited in and a glass of lovely French white wine (dry, but soft and fruity) was put in my hand. I watched one of the usual Irish soaps with his wife, and had a chat with both of them about different things.
As I started talking about all the things I had to do before leaving Ireland, all the things I had to get rid of, sell or give, she said: "Why don't you make a list of everything you have to sell, and I will pass it around to see if anyone I know would buy stuff off you."
How nice. Things are just so easy with them.
It feels safe.
I know that if there is anything, they are just two houses down the road and I can walk there easily to ask them anything.
I think I will miss the Irish warmth and hospitality when I go...

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