Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back to the internet...

OK so I am back to the idea of building an internet business. As fast as I can.
So I have signed up for some kind of mentorship that is already starting to disappoint me, but this time I have decided that I've had enough and I will follow-through. I have been a quitter often enough, signing up for something only to be disappointed and give it all up, without even trying to get everything I can from the experience and potential opportunity.
So now I have mentors there to answer my questions in my quest to build an internet business, and I will put them to good use.
One of the things I find difficult in this new venture is the information overload.
I have so many e-books and seminars saved somewhere on my hard drive and that I haven't read or listened to yet.
If I started to really dig into that information - well the mere thought of it feels overwhelming...
So I'll start with the basics.
I need to set up a website. In order to do that, I need to find a good domain name, buy it, find hosting that isn't incredibly expensive but still gives me all I need, and create a first basic page. I don't know anything about html, so I can start with templates. Then, we'll see.
I need to be careful not to overdo it and spend 23 hours non-stop working on the computer, only to get downstairs for breakfast with bloodshot eyes and a depression on the way... I need to pace myself.
Also I need to alternate doing phases with learning phases with play phases with connection with people phases... Otherwise I'll just end up insane within a week...
Oh yes, and remember that I don't need to re-invent the wheel... Ask for help from people who have done it before.
OK I'll leave it here for tonight, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Job applications and writing

It's been a while again since I posted here.
It's also been a while since I answered my emails properly. I have at least a dozen emails that are still waiting for a reply.
Strange how I have been checking my email everyday, and even put a note on my calendar a few times to answer them, yet didn't do them. I seem to get engulfed in some other websurfing activities, or other things even.
I have been working on my CV. Learning how to write a CV and cover letter in French. Not that easy...
I had seen an interested ad for a job as a junior HR consultant in a HR consulting company. Sent my CV and cover letter late on Tuesday. Got the negative answer before 9am on Wednesday. Didn't take them long to find out I wasn't what they were looking for.
OK so far it was the first job I was applying for. I am not discouraged. I am thinking of organizing a mailing of all HR consulting businesses in Bordeaux, to see if any of them would offer me an interview. Spontaneous application. Could work.
We'll see.
In the meantime I have committed to writing. A good friend of mine in San Francisco has agreed to keep me up to my word there. To do that we agreed that I would send her every evening what I have written in the day. So I have to write something to be able to send it to her. That should help to discipline me a bit.
These are strange times. It feels like I am a bit up in the air, in between. No idea what is coming next. Not even a hint.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sunny day

Today has been incredibly sunny. And warm, considering we are still at the beginning of February.
It felt beautiful to sit in the sun this afternoon, my back against the front wall of the house, writing and petting the dog:
She kept trying to get my attention, it was funny. Almost like a game...
I am so grateful for these amazing days. So grateful for everything I am receiving everyday.
This is my lesson at the moment: how can I receive gracefully...
Having nothing of my own, depending on my family is a beautiful lesson of love and grace. They support me unconditionally, throughout this time of transition, and the only thing I have to do is receive as unconditionally as they are giving...

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My new Daemon: meet Andreas

I redid the test... Guess what, now I am a tiger!! Hehehe... It feels right somehow.
Better than a bee... Am I more responsible than inquisitive? I don't really know. Both are part of me somehow...

I saw the movie in the meantime. Really enjoyed the acting, but was disappointed with the changes in the story. Somehow the choices they made weakened the plot and the characters a lot (particularly Iorek who is supposed to have been banned because he killed another bear, not because he was beaten by one...).
Went to see Sweeney Todd this week, and I really enjoyed Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter. A lot of blood and slit throats, but I had fun... Especially with the songs here and there that lighten up the very dark atmosphere...
Oh and I thought of you Darcy, with Alan Rickmann...

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Personality tests

I am working at the moment on determining what I actually want to do. To get the best fit of remunerated activity, I am spending some time on personality tests this week, and have come across a color test that I found interesting. Takes less than 5 minutes, and gave me some results that resonated deeply with where I am right now.
Here are my results:

ColorQuiz.comArmelle took the free personality test!

"Her need to feel more causative and to have a wide..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

I also took the Keirsey Temperament Sorter test and came out as the Idealist!

As for the Enneagram, I seem to be a mix between
Enneagram Enneagram and Enneagram

Wow. It is taking me some time and effort to really get down to who I am and what I want. It feels like I need to get back to square one and start from the very beginning again. Who am I? What am I here for? What do I want?