Thursday, April 5, 2007

Just a quick note

I have a few minutes left on that pay as you go internet thingy in the hotel in Claregalway, so thought I would just add a quick note here...
Today is again one of these fabulous extremely sunny and almost warm days. Seems it is going to hold until the Easter weekend, which is great.
I feel a little bit lost without my laptop. It is hard to write without it, and especially to edit what I write. I have an assignment due tomorrow, and I am not sure how I am going to type and send it...
I need to check this computer, maybe I could write on a word document for free, maybe it only charges for the internet. The advantage is, it is close to my house, and quite handy. And it is quiet, there is only one computer there, and no need to go into town. I'll ask the hotel reception about it before I go.
I have made a list at last of all the stuff I have to sell, gave it to my landlady who is going to buy some stuff. It's great.
I need to put an add in the paper to sell my car.
I feel I really have to trust that everything will work out alright, that I will manage to sell everything that really matters on time. But I can feel that I am doing the right thing, everything is flowing well, so I know it will flow like that until the end.
OK better leave now, running out of time.

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