Thursday, March 1, 2007

Kerry, here I come!

Well my decision is now firmly made, and my B&B's are booked - well for Thursday and Friday anyway. I will leave tomorrow afternoon, and come back on Monday evening.
I can't wait to explore the Dingle peninsula and the Ring of Kerry again. I loved these areas of Ireland, and I feel like I really need the change of scenery right now.
It might help me to switch off my busy busy mind, and stop worrying about everything, and fall asleep normally again, and not after one or two hours of turning and tossing in bed, as it has been for the past few nights, with and without coffee...
I bought food for pick-nicks, and plan on making a thermos flask of soup for the journey. I can feel my heart fill with joy at the mere thought of these few days.
So I might not post on my blog until Monday or Tuesday evening, depending on what time I get back home on Monday night, and if I find wireless areas or internet connections in B&B's or not.
I hope the change will help me to feel like writing again, like creating, and like exploring myself and what I want. I trust and feel it will.
I know it will also help to take a lot of distance with the nitty-gritty of daily life, and will pump new energy into my dreams. I also know I will come back refreshed, renewed in some way, energetic and relaxed.

Here I add a little note especially for my brother Cédric who will be 37 (sorry my mistake, he will be 38) on Sunday, just because I probably won't get to call him on the day:
JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE CEDRIC!!! Et tous mes voeux pour une excellente nouvelle année, remplie de ce qui t'est le plus cher!! Bisous ...


Anonymous said...

Merci Armelle. Mais bon ce sera 38 ans. Eh oui déjà. Bon week-end à toi.

Unknown said...

Oops!! C'est vrai. J'oublie que je vais en avoir 29!! Gros bisous et passe une super journée!!