Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well, this is it! I am starting a blog!
I am just going to introduce myself briefly tonight, and will post more tomorrow, as it is getting late here...
OK so as you can see in my profile, I am originally from France, where I spent 19 years of my life before going to Germany for two years as part of my studies (I studied German literature).
After that I emigrated to Ireland, where I have been for the past seven and something years.
Now I just left my corporate well-paid job and, cushioned by the redundancy payment I got when I left, I am now transitioning into the life I really want.
The first step, of course, is to determine what it is I really want.
One of the first things that became clear after I left my job, and even a few months before, was that I want to write. And as far as I can remember, I have always been telling and writing fairy tales and other stories, so it feels like I just need to connect again with that natural ability I seem to have.
But do I want to be just a writer? I don't think so, and it's the journey towards discovering all it is I really want, and doing it, that I want to share with you, hoping that it might inspire some of you who are thinking of transitioning out of your job as well.

OK well, enough for today, I will continue this tomorrow.
In the meantime, welcome to my blog, and see you soon!


crou2cri said...

à quand une rubrique en français ? Juste pour panacher!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh - so true: 'the first thing is to figure out what I want!' So many people never figure that one out. . . . Funny, neh? And then they find themselves, overnight it seems, at 60 years of age saying "My God! Where has my life gone? I never did anything I really wanted. . . ."

When I was 30, someone gave me a fill-in-the-blank card: MY NAME IS _______________. I am _______ years old. My dream is to ________________________________. I filled it in, and kept it close. Sounds like you're doing the same. All the best! And hey - GREAT picture! You're very beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sus!
It means a lot to get encouraging comments like yours!
All the best on your path to your dream!

Anonymous said...

bravo ! c'est une belle décision - je te souhaite beaucoup de courage et de réussite ...
j'en suis à me poser les mêmes questions - où vais-je !