Thursday, January 17, 2008

City life and connection

It is not so easy to really connect with people in a city. There are more people to connect with than in the country side, but they are also often more guarded.
And so far it has been quite hard to even find someone who was open enough to engaging a conversation. But yesterday I found a little cafe that felt good. Sort of community cafe, focusing on serving organic local produce and being open to local life and exchanges. There I could connect with people. It felt good.
So I am going to go back there today and see how it feels.
I can feel things are starting to move. Most importantly I am starting to drop my resistance.
Since I came back from San Francisco I felt like the most important thing for me was to find some way to get back there asap. Yet when I am in that space I miss the whole point.
The most important thing for me is to be here, now.
It doesn't even matter if I ever go back to San Francisco in my whole life. While I am here, now, I want to be here and now 100%. Open, relaxed, enjoying my time and what I am doing.
I have had huge resistance to it. I felt like the only people I wanted to be with, the only people I could connect with and be open with were the ones I met in San Francisco. I felt scarce. Like there were not enough like-minded people here for me to connect with them.
I have realized that it was an illusion, a self-made construct.
There is abundance. Here as well.

1 comment:

Darx said...

Really good realizations you are having about enjoying where you are in the moment. You set a good example for the rest of us.