Sunday, December 23, 2007


It is 6:39 am and I am awake since 4:45 or so... Jetlag...
So instead of tossing and turning in bed I decided to grab my laptop and write...
There is a very particular feeling associated with being awake when everyone else sleeps around. Part of it may be the worry that I'll want to be asleep when everyone else is awake ;-)
But there is also something fresh and unique about it. It feels like I have a blank page I can write on right now. I can choose anything. It is so early.
The whole house is still wrapped in the slumbers of sleep. I can hear noise now. I think my father is waking up. I feel like I am watching. Listening. Being very present.
My eyes are burning with tiredness a bit, but I know that if I try to switch off the light and close them again, I will only be thinking and watching movies inside my head until I decide that I have enough, and finally get up.
I am getting hungry. My body really has no idea that it is really early and I should be sleeping. It is telling me it is time for breakfast and that's it!
Well, maybe I will just get up and feed myself... It is now 7 am.

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