Saturday, August 4, 2007

Harry Potter days

I have at last received the last Harry Potter.
From Amazon, 3 days ago.
Have strained myself to wait one day before starting it, as my brother and his partner were visiting, and I knew my social skills would go down vertiginously as soon as I would start.
Now I have started and am very impressed with myself that I haven't finished it yet.
The temptation was great to read through the night, but I decided to stop reading when the perspective of sleeping was more attractive than continuing the book.
What a book. What a universe.
J.K. Rowling really managed to create a universe that I want to get into and never to leave again. The return to "reality" is always painful and slow.
Dreams of flying brooms and wands follow me in my sleep, and thoughts of what might happen next drop uncontrollably into my mind all day.
And it is the last one.
I really admire J.K. Rowling for starting such a bestseller series of amazing books when she was a single mother, and jobless.
Great inspiration.

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