Friday, August 17, 2007

Hectic again

It was slow for a while, but speed sure came back into my life since 2 days.
I am getting ready for a yard sale in the village on the 26th of August, and will be gone from tomorrow until the 25th evening, so I have to sort out everything I want to sell.
So basically I had to dive into my old cupboard and the ones in the attic, sorting out what was really mine to sell, what I want to hold onto, what makes sense, etc...
At the same time I was writing an assignment for my writing course, which I managed to send off yesterday. It wasn't easy, as I developed some kind of enormous internal resistance to that assignment and really had to fight against myself to get it done. Glad it is finished and sent.
I also managed to send the cards and pictures I wanted to send to the nice hospitaleros or people who had marked my camino in Spain, at last!!
And... I booked my flight to San Francisco! So I'll go there on the 25h of September, and will come back to France at the end of December - my visa doesn't allow me to stay over 3 months. That's good enough for a first time anyway.
I still have no idea of what I will do there or where I will stay, but I trust and know deep inside me that all these things will get sorted out somehow, and perfectly on time.
Ok now it is almost 2am, I have a big day tomorrow driving with my brother and moving some furniture from friends' places to his place, so I'd better get ready for bed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
