Monday, August 6, 2007

Discovering writing again

The Harry Potter days have gone.
I finished the book on Saturday, devoured the half of it I had left in one go.
I just couldn't wait anymore.
And I was very very impressed.
I know I will read it again when I have time, slowly, so I can actually read through all the little paragraphs and clues I missed with my hungry way of reading it.
What a book. Made me feel like writing again.
So I started again.
One baby step at a time.
My aunt, cousin and all her family are here at the moment, so we are 8 people at all times and it makes it difficult to get time apart to truly dive into some writing or preparing for the future.
Today there was a moment though, right before lunch, where I felt I just had to honor myself and write. So after I had wriggled myself out successfully of the lunch preparing duties (there were enough people at it anyways), I went off and wrote for maybe 10 minutes.
When I came back to eat, my mum noticed my gaze looking far far away and asked me if I was still in it. Hmmm. Yes I was.
We'll see what comes in the next few days. I know I will need to make time for writing and taking care of myself.
Possibly a lot of time.

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