Thursday, September 27, 2007

San Francisco first impressions

I have landed yesterday in San Francisco, after a 3 hours flight delay, and could view a bit of the city and the bay from the shuttle car.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous and it was even pleasantly warm and summery.
I arrived to the house where I am going to stay and had a great evening sharing food, thoughts and experiences with my new landlady/roommate.
I ended up going to bed at 10pm local time, which was a normal enough time, but actually meant 7am to my body clock. I realised that I had been awake for 27 hours already!
I was still full of adrenaline but could feel the way my brain wasn't functioning 100% normally. A bit slow, or else words suddenly missing in the middle of my speech...
I woke up at 2am, my body clock telling me it was way past time to get up... But it was dark and I could thankfully get back to sleep until 8am.

The house I am staying in is beautiful, and here is the view from my bedroom!! Not bad, huh!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

So today I went for a walk around the house, and after a very steep road that seemed to go on for ever, as if it was going to bring me straight into the sky, I arrived at the trails of the redwood national park. Nice! So close! But you have to really deserve the view by climbing up there!

I am not quite sure of what I will do in the next few days, but I will start by taking it easy, and getting over the jet lag...


Anonymous said...

Armelle, j'adore lire ton blog ca me fait du bien de savoir ce que tu fais. Ici il fait tres froid, mais clair et ensoleille pas du tout un temps typic de l'Irlande. Sinon je voulais te dire que je suis des cours du soir de pratical phylosophy et que ca me fait bcp de bien. Je suis la plus jeune du cours et on discute de questions profondes et de comment se sentir mieux, etre meilleur, devenir wise via self-knowledge and stuff... Bref je vais plutot bien. Amuse toi bien et surtout prend bien soin de toi. Gros bisous.

PS: ce week-end je vais essayer de m'acheter une fairy sur le marche et des pierres dans ton magasin de bijoux pres de Buscars.

prophet said...

welcome to America. . . .

Unknown said...

Salut Flo
Super ce cours de practical philosophy! Je suis contente de savoir que tu vas bien.
Moi je commence ma mission d'exploration doucement, il faut d'abord me remettre du mal de tete d'enfer que je me suis chopé ce matin... Hmmm... Jet lag quand tu nous tiens...
Amuse toi bien au marché et dis bonjour à Natasha de ma part à Crystal blue si elle y est.

Unknown said...

Thanks prophet!
I do feel welcome by America so far :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Armelle!
Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Start in Amerika. Wenn Du eine Telefonnummer dort hast, gib sie mal weiter, dann würde ich mal anrufen.
Liebe Grüße!
Alex (aus Heidelberg)

Unknown said...

Hey Alex!
Ich habe leider keine Festnetz Telefonnummer, nur eine Handynummer, und rufe Leute durch Skype an.
Kann auch mit Yahoo anrufen...

Ich hoffe, es geht Dir auch gut!

Anonymous said...

Hi Armelle!
Nochmal zur Telefonnummer. Bei den US Nummern ist es egal, ob Festnetz oder Handy, von Dt aus kostet der Anruf gleich viel. Mail mir einfach mal die Nummer, ich rufe dann mal an. :-)