Monday, January 5, 2009

Review of 2008

What a year 2008 has been!
Thought it would be good to write about the year. Have an overview for myself, of everything that happened in 2008.
And yeah. What a year.
I came back from the States, took forever (or so it seemed - I think it was about 5 months) to make up my mind as to what I was going to do, and where I was going to be.
I realized that my longing to move away from France hid some cluttered closets I was trying to escape from. I decided to finally face the music and look at what was in these closets, one drawer after the next. Realized that it is mostly not that scary once I decide to face it and stay with whatever comes up.
In the process I decided to stay in France (for now at least, probably for the next few years, and then who knows), and create my own healing business in Bordeaux.
Found a training course that supported me in many ways to create that business, and started at the very end of the year to live from it (OK I can't say I am rich, but hey! It's starting!).
Met many people who are on the same wavelength, in Bordeaux, and created some really rich friendships.
Realized that I don't necessary have to commit to things for the rest of my life, and things don't have to be perfect, but things will move, and doors will open if I put my heart into what I do.
Started to organize and deliver workshops at the end of the year, which is something I really want to do more. Became aware by doing it that hey! I can do this! And I can do it well!
Noticed how amazing it is to wake up in the morning knowing that what I do fills me with joy and feels on purpose. And also I love waking up at whatever time I want. Hehe.
Starting to tackle many of my patterns around lack and scarcity, in all areas of my life. It's fun to know that life doesn't have to be scarce, and is meant to be full and abundant. I can feel now that I am starting to open up to that.

So what about 2009?
Well I don't want to take resolutions as such. I just want life to continue to unfold, and I want to go with the flow. Grow my business, tend to my friendships, take care of myself, develop more and more projects that keep me at the edge of my comfort zone.
I'd like to sort out my relationship patterns too, and open up to a new fulfilling relationship.
And write. I want to write. Haven't been so good with it in 2008. Other priorities. Now I can feel it is pushing inside, and I have to do it. I really want to do it too.
Yeah that's about it.
Looking at my life, I am so grateful for exactly where I am now.

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