Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feel the fear and do it anyway

OK things are getting hotter.
I have looked at a place that I could rent to work. On Monday.
I liked it. It has just been restored so it's all freshly painted and there wouldn't be any heavy installation costs, just decoration. It is in a nice area of Bordeaux, right next to a shop that sells herbal stuff and healthy cosmetics, so basically that could bring me customers. There is a health food store on the square next to it, and an organic clothes shop in a nearby street.
The place is cheap enough, and no heavy sum of money to get in.
So it looks really good.
The fear is, of course, once I have a place, there are some fixed costs. Which means I am committing to my business, like, REALLY, but doing that step.
And immensely exciting also.
So at the moment I am spending my days in numbers, calculating costs and planning ahead, imagining what it will be like and doing all the admin work I need to finish my project and ask for the loans I need and all.
Uh oh...
I am DOING it!!
Still a bit to do, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Nearly there. Scary, but doable.


DellaP said...

This is so awesome, Armelle...doing it is right! It sounds like the ideal place to set up's like it's all meant to be! I am sooo excited for you...I can't wait to be at that stage of the game...I believe that I will at some point but for now, I'll be cheering you on! Woohoo!! By the way, I love that phrase...'Feel the fear and do it anyway'...that's an awesome way to live!

Darx said...

Whoo hoo!!!! Sounds wonderful! I agree that it sounds scary, but it also sounds RIGHT. Rock on, girlfriend!!

Unknown said...

Thanks girls! It's so beautiful to have you supporting me across the ocean!
It really means a lot to me.
My heart feels all warm.

Steve Coxsey said...

I am so excited for you! For some reason I have this vision of you starting a blog just for your business where you make posts about what you're doing or learning on a particular day, maybe having information about your neighboring businesses from time to time. It would be like a little community newsletter to draw people to your part of town to see what's going on. Maybe other shop owners would want to write a post occasionally. Here's to moving in!

Unknown said...

Hey Steve!
Why not!
I am thinking of creating a monthly newsletter for sure. Why not adding something about my neighbors when they are doing something special!
One thing at a time though. Now is time to get financial help, then to secure then place, then move in.
No need to make it scarier than it actually is...

Jane Marla VerDow said...

New Moon Angel,

Hey, we're between a new moon and a full moon...and you in this place of cool is that. And yes, location sounds Great. Plant and grow.

Steve's idea of newsletter...I did similar on market days and found it was a great community builder. Near-by vendors loved it, passers by and customers picked up copies...and so if you make a few paper copies, also,you will then have advertising on legs.

Best wishes. Fertile soil. Rich harvests to you.

Jane Marla Ver Dow

Anonymous said...

I also wish you all the best with the new business you are committing yourself to. I'm crossing all my fingers, and toes too!
Alex from Heidelberg