OK so yesterday I could feel things were moving. I received many unexpected emails from people in the US, the UK, even Italy. I replied, got replies straight back.
Then my brother sent me a Skype chat. Wow. He is so rarely on Skype, it always feels special when he is.
Have you thought about Switzerland? he asked.
Every time I think about you I have the feeling you should go to Switzerland and work there for a while. It is an intuition I wanted to share with you.
Double wow.
No I haven't thought about it. Never even entered my mind.
So since then my whole being has been buzzing.
I have the Swiss nationality, so it shouldn't be hard to find work there, if there is work to be found.
I have family there who could help me out until I find something.
And if I find something it is likely to be much better paid than in France.
So I called my aunt in Switzerland this morning. She is going to start looking around, keeping her ears and eyes open. She welcomed me to stay in her place any time to look for something from there.
HOLY COW!! Is that my next step?
I feel nervous and excited and scared. My stomach is churning, I feel the irrepressible need to walk around, move, not stop, do something, eat, whatever will calm me down.
OK breathe. Pheeeeewwww...
I have no idea yet. But I will investigate, make a few more calls to Switzerland, and see if any door opens up.
Then my brother sent me a Skype chat. Wow. He is so rarely on Skype, it always feels special when he is.
Have you thought about Switzerland? he asked.
Every time I think about you I have the feeling you should go to Switzerland and work there for a while. It is an intuition I wanted to share with you.
Double wow.
No I haven't thought about it. Never even entered my mind.
So since then my whole being has been buzzing.
I have the Swiss nationality, so it shouldn't be hard to find work there, if there is work to be found.
I have family there who could help me out until I find something.
And if I find something it is likely to be much better paid than in France.
So I called my aunt in Switzerland this morning. She is going to start looking around, keeping her ears and eyes open. She welcomed me to stay in her place any time to look for something from there.
HOLY COW!! Is that my next step?
I feel nervous and excited and scared. My stomach is churning, I feel the irrepressible need to walk around, move, not stop, do something, eat, whatever will calm me down.
OK breathe. Pheeeeewwww...
I have no idea yet. But I will investigate, make a few more calls to Switzerland, and see if any door opens up.
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Ooooh, interesting! Your adventure continues. Color me jealous of your European citizenship :)
Your nervousness is normal and exciting because your adventure continues...you are living the life that most people dream of. Whatever happens, it is meant to happen. Your brother telling you to go to Switzerland, to me, tells me that there is a hand moving you where you need to go...to take the right direction...who knows what will happen next! It so exciting! I can't wait to find out what happens next! Your life is like a book right now, you've already closed some chapters but the adventure continues. You're keeping us on the edge of our seats ;-). Good luck and Godspeed!
Della P.
Thanks guys.
I don't know about Switzerland yet. Resistance again, maybe. But something got unstuck in me. I feel like going forward. We'll see what shape it will take. Will let you know!
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